Sorry this email is so late. We have to start working soon but we did a hike that ended up to be way harder and way longer than we thought. Still debating whether or not it was worth it. It's called the Pyramid and took way too long. We heard it was 3 ks up. But it's pretty steep and hard. Ugh. Sorry- it was probably not good that we did it.
This last week has been hard. It's been great though. It has been easy to get caught up in numbers. But then I am humbled when I think of our investigators. We had to chop 3 investigators for not progressing. But we have 12 investigators right now. We want to set a few baptism dates coming up this week. This will be big! I'm so excited. There are so many I want to tell you about and so little time!
Darren: We are preparing for the interview in 5 weeks. Didn't meet with him this last 4 days. Hasn't been answering our calls. But he may have gone down to Victoria to see his dad who is on his death bed. He said that when his dad dies that it's really gunna hit him and he will want to change even more. We hope.
Carissa: FINALLY got to teach her this week. We finished the Plan of Salvation with her and will be teaching her the Restoration tomorrow! We hope to set a baptism date soon. She is keen.
Jodie: We taught her the first half of the Plan of Salvation and hope to finish it this week. We bumped into her at the store today. She is actually married! And has a family so really pray for her.
Gregory: This guy is so amazing. His brother is the one that committed suicide. He is so quiet and loving. We taught him the Restoration and will commit him to baptism this week. He lives in Gordonvale so we can only get down there once a week. Its like 30 ks. We have 80 Ks a day.
Sorry this letter is kind of scattered. I'm in a huge rush and have a headache. Still a little dehydrated. Learned that lesson.
Thanks parents for the letter too! I got it in the mail. Love you.
God Speed the Right.
- Elder Hales