Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Airport Phone Call

We got the phone call last night at 10:30. He sure was excited to begin this new adventure in Australia. He said there were 10 of them going to the Brisbane mission. (That has to be one happy mission president.) And all of their visa's came through with no problem. It's a 14 hour flight and he will get there on the 21st at 7:45 a.m., skipping Tuesday altogether because of the International Dateline. I think the other missionaries appreciated having him there to navigate LAX.

He couldn't say enough about how cool the MTC is. And all that studying! (That "studying" part sure warms a parents' heart.) His brother was able to join in on the conversation -- via Idaho -- courtesy of three-way calling. For Michael, (and his brother-in-law and dad for that matter) to know exactly how he's feeling as he starts out now, makes me teary just writing about it. Listening to them talk -- oh man, hang on while I go get a tissue.

He said that yesterday was busy with cleaning, class, and visiting the travel office for all the needed documents. He said he put his memory card in the mail, so hopefully we'll have some pictures to post soon.

And so the adventure begins. Australia will never be the same. And neither will the missionary.

1 comment:

Cheri said...

From one extreme climate to the other! I can't wait to see pictures.